Friday, November 7, 2008

Guest post - from my wife

Here's the text of an e-mail I got from my wife this morning. She has been dutifully e-mailing me every night before she goes to bed - when my Blackberry alarm goes off in the morning I immediately check my Yahoo e-mail, and there's always a message from her (it's as close as I can get to waking up next to her - I appreciate her messages so much more than she knows)

Anyways, here it is, published without her permission (she'll be cool with it ... so no worries):
Do you remember me telling you about that girl in my class that has two sets of twins????? Well if not there is a girl in my class that has two sets of twins and in a conversation today during class we somehow got to talking about being put under and eventually it turned into the laproscopy surgery. She said that she had to have it done b/c she had endometriosis, moderately. She was put on clomid and got pregnant with twins a few months later. She then tried for a while the second time and was not getting pregnant so she was put on injections and did IUI and her third round got pregnant again with twins! It gave me hope and made me feel a little better.

It's weird because the last two days I've felt like giving up and just saying screw it. But then when I heard her tell me her story it gave me a little more hope. I think it's God's way of telling me not to give up and that I'm not alone. Now my whole group knows our situation and they are praying for us too. It was kind of a fun class.
I love that girl - it's so nice to see a message with a positive spin on it. It's soooooo easy to get down during this process. We need a little boost to keep our heads above water sometimes, and at minimum, believe better days are coming. I sincerely believe they are, and I'm glad to have my wife share those sentiments.


Ellie's Mom said...

Love your posts... insightful to see them from the hub's perspective, and SOOO nice to hear how much you love your wife :)

Paula Keller said...

It's a hard thing to go through, that's for sure. I still remember being so incredibly happy for the first blogger that I read who actually got pregnant through IVF, and has since given birth. These things DO work out for most people, eventually with some perseverence thrown in.

A great deal of perseverence for some!